400g oats
100g desiccated coconut
200g nuts, coarsely chopped.
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup of maple or golden syrup
2 large egg whites
400g dried cherries (or any other dried fruit you like)
—Preheat your oven to 200 degrees or gas mark 2. Mix all ingredients except the egg  white and dried fruit in a large bowl, you’ll have to get your hands dirty to evenly distribute the syrup. Whisk the egg white in a small bowl until stiff. Stir into the granola mixture, distributing it throughout. Spread it in a single layer on 2 or 3 parchment-lined baking sheets.
—Bake for 45 to 55 minutes. About halfway through the baking time, use a large spatula to turn over sections of the granola carefully, breaking them up as little as possible. Rotate the pan if granola is baking unevenly. When it is evenly browned and feels dry to the touch, transfer the pan from the oven to the cooling rack. Cool completely (it firms up a lot when cool). Once it’s completely cool, break up granola into whatever size clusters delight you. Sprinkle in dried fruit.
—Enjoy with milk or yogurt and marvel at how crap other granola is now and forever will be.
—The granola keeps at room temperature in an airtight container for 2 weeks. It keeps even longer in the freezer, if you’re the stockpiling type. The quantity this recipe makes barely lasts a week (between about four of us) in our house!
Adapted from The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook by Deb Perelman.
PS It’s nice with berries…a little goes a long way & keeps you full till lunch, seriously…and I am never a full-till-lunch kinda girl.
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